LI-LS Service Offerings

Our customized financial planning platform is unlike typical financial planning platforms. LI-LS empowers you, as the primary stakeholder of your financial future, to clearly visualize the alternatives and decide the appropriate course of action that is right for you, based on refineable objectives and timing that is in your best interest. Our team of experts are highly experienced, keenly aware and sensitive to the many issues facing high net worth individuals.

LI-LS Capital Management Planning Platform implements seamless integration of both the client’s personal financial situation aligned with his or her corporate/business profile, resulting in thoroughly assessed side-by-side parallel comparisons that enable controlled strategic decision-making from the vantage point of both the company and owner.

LI-LS Service Offerings

Our unique Life Insurance Liquidity approach is unlike typical life insurance process. LI-LS empowers you, as the primary stakeholder of your financial future, to clearly visualize the life insurance alternatives and decide the appropriate course of action that is right for you. We customize life insurance reviews based on refinable objectives and timing that is in your best interest. Our team of experts are highly experienced, keenly aware and sensitive to the many issues facing high net worth individuals and how the Life Insurance Assets fits into the overall financial strategies for each of our clients.

Life Insurance Liquidity Evaluation

Life Insurance Review & Market Study :Target of reducing premium obligations and maximizing liquidity as it relates to a client’s life insurance assets.

  • Personal Financial Analysis
  • Individual Design and Implementation

Life Insurance Diagnostics

Large Case Experience, Funding Alternatives, Commission Disclosure/Observation and Planning Focus

Corporate & Personal Capital Management

Plan development based on individual client portfolio. Projected cash flow and net worth statements, giving each client a glance into the future.